Monday, July 17, 2006

Quantum Social Relativity

03/21/05 Water Mushroom
03/21/05 Water Mushroom courtesy of Studio Antwan

"I bet sociology could use a guy like you" Craig Newmark writes back in January in a post entitled "A brief reply to Whats Wrong with Economics?" He was speaking "to the gentleman who claims economics isn't 'predictive' and has the same maturity as "physics before Newton and possibly before Galileo," His comment struck a chord, poet and musicmaker as I am, and son not only to a former Princeton Economics Professor but also Grandson to another Economics professor, a supply side economic advisor to FDR, who just happened to be Alan Greenspan's teacher way back in 1946.


The fact of the matter is that sociology could indeed use a few more mathematically and scientifically grounded minds, particularly given recent studies by physicists that have used mathematical modeling to better understand the dynamics of social interaction. Similarly, the field of economics could use a few more humanistically inclined folk, especially in light of the rise of prospect theory.

As long as sociologists think economists heartless and economists think sociologists fools and dreamers, we are going to miss the forest for the trees. The "answer" as the Eastern philosophers are fond of saying, lies somewhere in the middle, the "Great nothingness" from which springs forth all being. Or rather, "in the middle of a contradiction there lies truth."

Prescriptively speaking, there ought to greater efforts made to bridge paradigmatic theoretical constructs across entire disciplines, not just with respect to internecine rivalries. Psychologists and Sociologists should be working WITH physicists and mathemeticians, not against. It's no "accident" that the double helix was discovered in a dream, the quark in a Joyce novel; and it's no mere interesting "oh, you don't say..." that Alan Greenspan studied at Julliard before going to NYU to study economics. As Willy Wonka put it: "We are the musicmakers. We are the dreamers of dreams." Or as an economist might put it "Atttude and morale are factors of production."

Simply put, the good market is on sale. The NYT called it "Death by Smiley Face" and cited Craig's List in particular as a practitioner of it, I call it "trickle-up economics" based on a model of psychic barter, universal utility, power and the speed of idea (squared). Hegelian dialectic (aka "triangulation") also figures in. I can anecdotally support my case umpteen zillion ways to Sunday, but it's outside in and inside out rather than bottom up cumulative or top down reverse engineered. Jung called this the "final" rather than the "causal" perspective. I just call it QUANTUM SOCIAL RELATIVITY and it's a psychic fact of existence regardless of the underlying math.

We ourselves are the space and the connection between things. As such, welcome to the 5th dimension aka the eternal "now" and the psychosocial eqivalent to e=mc^2 and perhaps far more:

Z= PI2

Zightgeist = Power * speed of Idea2

Network, system and string theory are the missing links. Also, for what it's worth, my derivations for Z=PI2 predict that light can travel backwards as well as that 1=2 (aka the circular paradox wherein the formaula for the Area can reduce to 1 or 2). But first you've got to accept that 0 actually = -1 and is the opposite side of +1. In physics 101 it's called potential energy.

There's much, much more, but I'll leave it at that for now. I'm not hard to find if anyone who this way comes is interested in discussing further.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Riven Hearts Project

The Kiss

Stay tuned for upcoming info re: The Riven Hearts Project


WorldZight :: Eyes Upon Toronto
an improvisational experiment in global participatory democracy

The premise behind Worldzight is to bring together trans-global constituencies bound together by race, religion, issues, convergence of interest, or any one of a number of "metonymic" (a part used for the whole) connections to a given "cause" in a peaceful, non-obstructive manner.

The goal of Worldzight is to demonstrate to local, regional and national governments world-wide that citizen democracy can STILL work even in an increasingly globalized, yet micro-segmented, society that works to simultaneously concentrate means of communication in the hands of a few while dividing constituencies into ever smaller self-coalescing micro-constituencies. These simultaneous trends threaten to work hand in hand to frustrate attempts to generate popular consensus on pressing global issues even as the means (the "pipes") by which to express dissent become ever more subject to corporate whim.

Worldzight ,born of improvisational necessity late in the afternoon on July 2nd, 2006, is inspired by Ana Crisan's dogged determination to protect her friend Chris' unjust eviction from his home of many, many years beneath Toronto's Gardiner Expressway. The Worldzight action is based on a still emerging theory of BUSINESS ARTIVISM, blending together business, art and NON-PARTISAN activism and utilizes a model for political discourse and direct action based on community theater-type means of communication transmission such as those that contributed to the peaceful downfall of the totalitarian state government in Czechoslovakia during the early 1990's, an action referred to in common culture as "The Velvet Revolution"

Worldzight firmly believes that one-to-one or one-to-few outreach directed outward from the central point of conflict can work in tandem with judiciously selected micro-targeted mass media outlets and direct action by incentivized constituencies to serve as a countervailing balance against increasingly dangerous Gilded Age economic policies that increase class separation via concentration of wealth and decrease communication via an increase of technological anonymity. The goal is NOT revolution, but velvet-style change and transformation from within.

We ask for your help making Worldzight a success it's very first time out. The point we most want to convey is that the voice and they eyes will not just go away after the deed is done. With citizen democracy there is no such thing as a fait accompl.

:: Additional Info
:: WorldZight on Flickr